To my loyal readers, me-for you to make the user experience Printer Canon IP 1880.
Sooner or later, make the users printer Canon IP 1880pasti will experience anything like this "Ink Absorber Is Full" is marked by the appearance of an image printer ink spilling everywhere and well marked with orange color printer lights blinking glow. I have tips that you can try, because once I've managed to use these tips:
1.) Download ip tool (software to reset the waste ink tanks)
2.) Unplug the printer power cable. Then hold the power button, while the power cable plug into an electric current, press the resume button once (the button is pressed powernya still) emerging powernya button, until this process will be a normalprinter, it can be used for printing,
but the "waste ink absorber is full" will appear again when not in reset. In normal circumstances such a program please open 1880 ip tool, select the usb port, then click the Device id, the menu clear waste ink counter friends click play, and platen, then click the Cleaning and eeprom counter (checked) click trus pattern1 test. (do not forget to enter your first paper). after finishing off the printer first and then switch it on again.
Good try, good luck you have in hand, because I also do not guarantee reply your printer problems can be resolved with my tips this
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